Ising model

The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for simulating the Lenz-Ising model is an excellent example of a Markov chain, since the former is actually a version of a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation. I present examples based on cartesian and isometric grids.

It follows the Hamiltonian

\[ H(\sigma)=-\sum_{\{i,j\}}J_{ij}\sigma_i\sigma_j-\mu\sum_jh_j\sigma_j\ , \]

Since the Hamiltonian depends strictly on nearest-neighbours interactions, it can be used as a model for opinion/voter dynamics.

For this example, we consider a warping grid of size \(N\), where the \(N+1\)th index is congruent to the first index modulo \(N\). All these fancy words state that the grid behaves as when Pac-Man portals to the opposite side of the screen. This is done in the vertical direction as well, as stated by the expressions mod(k,n) + 1, ...) (the + 1s are there just due to Julia’s indexing convention.)

The following function finds the Hamiltonian (or energy) for a matrix element \(M_{ij}\) with the interaction between its neighbours, as described by the expression above. It also accounts for external interaction of a magnetic field.

function hamiltonian(selected_spin, space, interaction, external, locs)

neighbour_spin        = view(space, fill(selected_spin,length(locs)) + locs)
neighbour_interaction = view(interaction,fill(selected_spin,length(locs)) + locs)
H = (-dot(neighbour_interaction, neighbour_spin) * view(space, selected_spin))[1]

H -= sum(view(external, neighbour_spin))
return H

If the resulting configuration is preferable (i.e. it has a lower energy), then the system accepts this new state. This allows us to only compute the change in energy at the desired index, instead of the whole array.

I use the CircularArrays.jl package, which aided in the construction of periodic boundaries.

2D example

I present a 2D example of the algorithm in action.

3D example

The above code is robust to changes in dimensions (as well as the use of graphs). In principle, one would only need to update the corresponding locs and space dimensions, and the algorithm would do the rest. One can see that it also permits an arbitrary neighbour_spin definition, whether it be the original 5 point stencil (in 2D) or any other setting.

For demonstration purposes, I show a 3D simulation for \(n_z\in\left\{5,9\right\}\) whith a 9 point stencil Hamiltonian.

The plots were done using Makie’s volume plot.